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Notepad++ v8.6.9 - 支持台灣獨立 (Support Taiwan's Independence)

2024-07-14 台灣繁體 A few days after the previous version of “Supporting Taiwan’s Sovereignty” was launched, China issued a series of laws regarding punishment provisions for Taiwan independence. These provisions state that individuals with the most severe cases of advocating Taiwan independence could face sentences of death, be tried in absentia, and be held accountable for life. In a state of panic, to avoid being included in China’s blacklist of “Taiwan independence die-hards”, the current version of “Support Taiwan’s Sovereignty” was hastily halted.

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.9 release - 支持台灣獨立

2024-06-04 English version 上一版的「支持台灣主權」推出幾天後,中國出了一系列台獨懲治條款,該規定提到台獨最重者可判處死刑,還可以缺席審判,且終身追責! 驚恐之餘,為了不被列入中國的「台獨頑固份子」黑名單,趕緊終止現今版本「支持台灣主權」,轉而發佈最新的「支持台灣獨立」版。 :) v8.6.9 the new features & bug-fixes: This version addresses regressions, enhances the Notepad++ fluent icon set, dark mode, and updater, and includes numerous other bug fixes and improvements. Get more info about this release and download v8.6.9 here: Do more to stop war - keep helping Ukraine Donate to Ukraine Regression and critical bug report here: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/25941/notepad-release-8-6-9 Auto-updater will be triggered in about 1 week.

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.9: Support Taiwan's Independence

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.8 - Support Taiwan's Sovereignty

2024-06-04 If Palestine can be recognized as a state, WHY NOT TAIWAN? Obviously, recognizing Taiwan requires more courage than recognizing Palestine. 台灣繁體 Taiwan: A Nation in the Shadows Taiwan has its own democratically elected government, military, constitution, currency and passport. GDP per capita ranks 30th, and roughly 50% of the world’s semiconductors are provided by the island. It was also the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, and ranks 27th among countries in the world for press freedom (WPFI).

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.8 release - 支持台灣主權

2024-06-04 如果巴勒斯坦可以被承認為一個國家,為什麼台灣不能? 顯而易見:承認台灣比承認巴勒斯坦需要更大的勇氣 English version 台灣:一個存在於陰影中的國家 台灣有自己的民選政府、軍隊、憲法、貨幣和護照。人均GDP排名第30位,全球約50%的半導體由該島提供。它也是亞洲第一個將同性婚姻合法化的國家,在新聞自由度(WPFI)全球國家中排名第27位。 順便一提:珍珠奶茶也是台灣的發明,雖然我討厭珍奶。 :) 儘管台灣擁有充滿活力的民主制度並為全球經濟做出了相當程度的貢獻,但它長久以來只被極少數國家承認,外交一直處於困境。這在很大程度上是因為其龐大且不理性的鄰居(中國)施加於強烈的外交壓迫。而這也導致了台灣被主要的國際組織(包括世界衛生組織)排除之外。 近日,台灣新任總統賴清德在就職演說中表示,台灣與中國互不隸屬。這項聲明引發中國在台灣周圍進行軍事演習,這似乎是未來可能入侵台灣的軍事預演。 中國領導層迫在眉睫的軍事威脅讓專家推測,衝突不是「如果」的問題,而是「何時」的問題。我衷心希望烏克蘭所經歷的那種侵略戰爭不會發生在台灣。 你可能會問:「這他媽的和我有什麼關係?」 我們姑且不論爆發全球衝突的可能性。歐美的巨大經濟利益與台海穩定息息相關。戰爭發生最重大的影響將是半導體短缺。台灣半導體對全球至關重要,半導體的乏匱將導致全球電腦、手機和其他消費性電子產品的生產線停頓。汽車業等依賴基礎晶片的產業將面臨嚴重的破壞。此外,衝突將直接影響韓國和日本等東亞經濟體,經濟危機將擴散全球。 這就是為什麼國際承認台灣主權的重要性。隨著台灣在世界舞台上地位的增強,可能會怯緩中國軍事對台動武的決定。我理解改變世界政治潮流的進程是一項艱鉅的任務,我期待的是透過讓世界各個民主國家的公民了解台灣,及中國侵略台灣的嚴重後果,可提高他們的警覺意識,進而影響歐美國家政策制定者。如此,或許我們可以減少悲劇升級的可能性。 v8.6.8 the new features & bug-fixes: Fix three bugs in the Column Editor, add auto-indentation for Python, make minor enhancements to dark mode, and more. Get more info about this release and download v8.6.8 here: Do more to stop war - keep helping Ukraine Donate to Ukraine Regression and critical bug report here: https://community.

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.8: Support Taiwan's Sovereignty (stable: auto-update triggered)

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.7

Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.7 release

2024-05-13 In this version, we have addressed the regression issue where multi-edit cursors were incorrectly placed. Additionally, we’ve resolved the problem of multi-editing not displaying multiple cursors in dark mode. The support for Go and Raku has been enhanced, with the addition of auto-completion for both languages and a function list specifically for Raku. Alongside these fixes, you’ll find various enhancements and bug fixes. Get more info about this release and download v8.

Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.6

Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.6 release

2024-05-10 In this release, we’ve addressed a crash and resolved a performance issue. Additionally, we’ve introduced two new programming languages: Go and Raku. Alongside these updates, you’ll find various enhancements and bug fixes. Get more info about this release and download v8.6.6 here: Do more to stop war - keep helping Ukraine Donate to Ukraine Regression and critical bug report here: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/25766/notepad-v8-6-6-release Auto-updater will be triggered in about 1 week.

Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Help us to take down the parasite website

2024-04-03 I’ve received numerous complaints via email, social media, and forums regarding a website that poses a significant threat to our community. The copycat site in question is https://notepad.plus/ which appears prominently when users google for “download Notepad++”. Some users have mistakenly believed that https://notepad.plus/ is the official Notepad++ website. This confusion has led to frustration and potential security risks. Despite declaring itself an “unofficial fan website created for general information/educational purposes only”, this site harbors a hidden agenda.

Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.5

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.5 release

2024-03-30 To address a performance issue of “Replace All” in previous version 8.6.4, Notepad++ no longer triggers SCN_MODIFIED and other Scintilla notifications during the “Replace All” action. Consequently, some plugins that rely on Scintilla’s notifications may malfunction after a “Replace All” operation. To rectify this regression, a new notification called NPPN_GLOBALMODIFIED has been implemented in Notepad++ v8.6.5. Plugin developers should monitor NPPN_GLOBALMODIFIED alongside SCN_MODIFIED, if SCN_MODIFIED is already monitored in the plugin.

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.4

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.4 release

2024-02-20 In Notepad++ version 8.6.3, a regression was identified and subsequently fixed. When two documents are displayed side by side, clicking into the unfocused content no longer activates it as the current document. This regression has been resolved in version 8.6.4. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Get more info about this release or download v8.6.4 here: Keep helping Ukraine Donate to Ukraine Regression and critical bug report here: https://community.

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.3

Sun, 18 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.3 release

2024-02-18 We recognize that not every user loves the multi-editing feature. In this release, we’ve added GUI options to disable the “Column To Multi-editing” feature, and even the “Multi-editing” feature can be turned off completely. Additionally, users can disable the “copy/cut line while no selection” feature through the preferences dialog. Furthermore, in the new release We’ve addressed a performance issue related to “Replace all” and fixed the critical problem where all open files were lost after restarting as an administrator.

Sun, 18 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.2

Sun, 14 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Notepad++ v8.6.2 release

2024-01-14 3 shortcuts Shift-DEL (Cut), Ctrl-INS (Copy) and Shift-INS (Paste) are restored in the release 8.6.2 (they were removed from v8.6.1). A regression is fixed in this release for the shortcut Ctrl-V not being able to paste clipboard content into the text fields of certain plugins. “disableLineCopyCutDelete.xml”, which was introduced in v8.6.1, is canceled in this release v8.6.2 - this empty file is not necessary anymore because the concerning shorcuts conflict/problem has been solved in this release.

Sun, 14 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org

Download Notepad++ v8.6.1

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quelle: notepad-plus-plus.org
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